Overview of Australian Continuing Professional Development:
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) is the national agency responsible for the regulation of health practitioners across Australia, including Western Australia. AHPRA works in conjunction with various National Boards to ensure that health professionals meet the required standards of practice and maintain public safety.
For health professionals regulated by AHPRA, CPD is an essential component of maintaining registration and ensuring the delivery of safe, effective care.
Health practitioners likely to attend ANCE 2025 who are regulated by AHPRA are:
- Doctors including neurologists, GPs, paediatricians, geriatricians.
- Nurses
- Occupational therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Psychologists
- Pharmacists
- Podiatrists
AHPRA’s Role in CPD
- Regulatory Oversight: AHPRA oversees the registration of health practitioners and ensures they meet the professional standards set by their respective National Boards. CPD is a key component of these standards.
- Compliance Requirements: AHPRA enforces CPD requirements as part of the registration process. Health professionals must demonstrate they are engaging in CPD to maintain their registration and practice legally.
National Boards and CPD
- Specific Requirements: Each National Board (e.g., Medical Board of Australia, Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, Physiotherapy Board of Australia) sets the CPD standards and requirements for their specific profession. These standards outline how much CPD is needed and what types of activities are acceptable.
- Guidance and Frameworks: National Boards provide detailed guidelines and frameworks on CPD, including the types of activities that count and how to document them.
CPD Requirements
CPD Hours/Points: Health practitioners are required to complete a certain number of CPD hours within a registration period (often annually). The exact requirements vary by profession and Board.
We anticipate that health professionals will be able to complete 10 hours of CPD across the 2-day conference, or 5 hours per day.
We will have CPD certificates available for all AHPRA attendees at the completion of the conference and these will be emailed to you if have opted in during registration.
Medical Practitioners
We anticipate that Australasian Neurological Conference & Expo 2025 will appeal to GPs, neurologists, geriatricians, paediatricians and other medical practitioners.
The CPD requirements are set out by the Medical Board of Australia for Medical practitioners are:
- Must meet the requirements of a CPD program of an accredited CPD “home” e.g. for GPs the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine.
- Develop a written annual professional development plan.
- Complete a minimum of 50 hours per year of CPD activities that are relevant to scope of practice and individual professional development needs.
- Allocate the minimum 50 hours per year between the following types of CPD activities:
(i) at least 12.5 hours EA (educational activities)-this can include conferences, workshops, e-learning.
(ii) at least 25 hours of RP (reviewing performance) or MO (measuring outcomes) with a minimum of 5 hours for each of these categories.
(iii) the remaining 12.5 hours across any of the EA, RP or MO activities.
AMA (WA) has advised that doctors can “claim” their CPD hours at ANCE 2025 as part of their educational activities if the conference is non-registered by a CPD home. However, the Neurological Council of WA intends to apply for registration through an accredited CPD once the program is finalised. Confirmation of registration will be updated here.
Nurses and Allied Health Practitioners
We anticipate that the conference will also be of interest to Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Chiropractors and Psychologists.
These Allied Health Professionals generally require a minimum of 20 hours of CPD per annum.
There are no accredited CPD homes for these attendees, like medical practitioners.
These allied health professionals simply log their hours and learnings as per their specific Board.